Birth Control Pill and medical usesBirth Control in the Catholic Church
March 16, 2003, 07:39 PM
Birth Control Pill and medical uses
I am currently on the pill for a very serious medical condition. I would not choose to use it for birth control and contraception played no role in me going on it. It was a last resort. Ironically, due to the double effect principle this puts me in the clear with the Church in terms of the contraception issue.

As far as I know the Church does not disallow this even though some research reveals it can have an abortifcant effect. However, it has become clear to me that generally in NFP circles they proclaim the pill has no medical uses. Always giving the advice of, "go to an NFP only doctor." I don't dare mention my medical treatment to my NFP only "friends" lest they accuse me of murder. For the record I researched NFP treatments for my illness and other well respected research institutions refuted what NFP only docs would use for treatment.

My purpose in posting this is not to find agreement from everyone on whether or not the pill is necessary for me. In fact, I really do not need to debate it. It has been a miracle drug for me.

Clearly, the NFP only community blasts all medical uses for the pill. My point in posting is this; why would they not blast other medication that I am on that is harmful to a developing baby but is essential for my health?
There is an array of meds that are harmful to fetus' either causing or miscarriages. (When would it be termed an abortion versus a miscarriage?) Excess caffeine is even know to increase your risk of miscarriage.

I be interested to know if anyone has any thoughts on this.


March 17, 2003, 09:04 AM
if your nfp friends criticize you for a legitimate use of medication, it only goes to show how narrow-mindedly they interpret Catholic teaching on this topic.

and, fwiw, not all varieties of the pill are abortificent; even those with little estrogen might never work through abortificent means.

relax! Smile
March 17, 2003, 10:51 PM
It certainly does appear that in many circle, especially the Janet Smith followers, language regarding abortion is used and manipulated for their benefit. I have never heard Janet and her ilk accuse coffee drinkers of aborting the pre-born, but she often points the finger at women (especially) who are using the pill. This is simply dishonest. If we are going to say that one thing might cause an "abortion" then anything that is known to have a possible effect that leads to miscarriage should follow as abortificient as well. The NFP only crowd are very inconsistent when it comes to this kind of thing. Which makes all their rhetoric highly suspect. If it does not suit their purposes they will not call it abortificient, if it does suit their purposes for shock value they will, even if the chances of it are very statistically slim. This boils down to nothing more than political posturing and ultimately results in many of the failures we see when it comes to the lack of pro-life progress in society today. Regards-
March 17, 2003, 11:01 PM

I thought this article from Lutherans for Life might be interesting to you. It is very balanced, despite the fact that the author is not a fan of the pill. He illustrates clearly that we do not know with any certainty (and even demonstrates that the pill is so effective in inhibiting ovulation that it probably is not) that the pill is abortificient. Regards-
March 19, 2003, 06:30 PM
James, The article was good.

Thanks for your input.

