DIALOGUE between science & religion


The Vatican Observatory


The Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world, has its headquarters at the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, outside Rome. Its dependent research center, the Vatican Observatory Research Group (VORG), is hosted by Steward Observatory at the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA.

The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences     The mission of CTNS is to promote the creative mutual interaction between theology and the natural sciences .The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) strives to bridge these two disciplines. CTNS is a non-profit  international membership organization dedicated to research, teaching and public service. It focuses primarily on the relation between contemporary physics, cosmology, technology, environmental studies, evolutionary and molecular biology and Christian theology and ethics.

Metanexus: The Online Forum on Religion and Science

Metanexus is an international online forum on religion and science with over 6345 subscribers in 57 different countries. It includes a monthly annotated digest, daily postings of commentaries and book reviews, daily news clippings from the field, and daily announcements of events and opportunities.Metanexus includes topical discussion lists, foreign language lists, and small introductory study groups. See also http://www.metanexus.org/ , a gateway to the Metanexus Institute.

John Templeton Foundation

The mission of the John Templeton Foundation is to pursue new insights at the boundary between theology and science through a rigorous, open-minded and empirically focused methodology, drawing together talented representatives from a wide spectrum of fields of expertise. Using "the humble approach," the Foundation typically seeks to focus the methods and resources of scientific inquiry on topical areas which have spiritual and theological significance ranging across the disciplines from cosmology to healthcare.

Dialogue on Science, Ethics, & Religion

The Dialogue Program is an initiative of the Directorate for Science and Policy Programs of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. From their Mission Statement: The AAAS has sought both to advance science itself and to relate scientific knowledge and technological development to the purposes and concerns of society at large for over 150 years. Issues of value and ethics are raised by the appearance of technologies not even imagined by earlier generations. Questions of meaning and religion emerge from our deepening understanding of the natural order.

Issues of value and meaning are grounded in the disciplines of ethics and religion. The scientific community needs to be in dialogue with both fields in order to understand the cultural context within which science operates and to respond to the societal issues opened up by scientific discovery and technological development. The AAAS provides a uniquely credible forum for that engagement because of its disciplinary breadth.

Zygon Center for Religion and Science

The Zygon Center for Religion and Science f/k/a The Chicago Center for Religion and Science is dedicated to relating religious traditions and scientific knowledge in order to gain insight into the origins, nature, and future of humans and their environment, and to realize the common goal of a world in which love, justice, and ecologically responsible styles of living prevail.



Institute on Religion in an Age of Science

IRAS is a non-denominational, independent society with three purposes: to promote creative efforts leading to the formulation, in the light of contemporary knowledge, of effective doctrines and practices for human welfare; to formulate dynamic and positive relationships between the concepts developed by science and the goals and hopes of humanity expressed through religion; to state human values and contemporary knowledge in such universal and valid terms that they may be understood by all peoples, whatever their cultural background and experience, and provide a basis for world-wide cooperation.

Science and Religion Information Service

News of scientific discovery is now a standard feature of most newspapers and broadcast news. Often, these journalistic reports of scientific research raise matters of religious belief or maorality in order to convey the significance of science to the wider public. These references to religion, however, are often ill-informed or guided by the notion that science and religion are at war with each other.  The Science and Religion Information Service (SRIS) seeks to reverse this pattern by improving both the quality and the quantity of references to religion in science journalism. Our purpose is to encourage broad public appreciation for the religious or spiritual value of scientific research and promote a mutually positive relationship between religion and science.


Research News & Opportunities in Science and Theology


Research News & Opportunities in Science and Theology is a new monthly international newspaper that publishes the latest research findings, funding opportunities, and interesting discussions on the relationship between religion, science, and health (volume 1, issue 1, appeared in September 2000). We think you will find the information included in this periodical to be informative and thought-provoking, and will excite you about the tremendous advances that are occurring in this rapidly evolving field. For many readers, this newspaper will act as a portal to a wealth of information not thought to exist. There are already more than 150 groups doing work on the intersection between science, medicine and theology. These groups each have many different activities, symposia and lectures, research projects and reports that are emanating from them. Most of this information is not well publicized. This lack of communication is an impediment to growth in the field, resulting in a duplication of effort and a failure to build on what others are doing.


Science & Spirit Magazine, published six times each year, explores the relationship between science and religion in the context of our everyday lives.